Nasal Dermoids
Most of the details of the procedure are covered under Tonsillectomy
Pain is variable and unpredictable. Some children cope with minimal analgesia while a few have a lot of pain despite maximal analgesia. Most have some pain which is well controlled. In general pain is worse in older children and if the tonsils are very scarred. Dr. Adrian Lloyd-Thomas prescribes paracetamol, ibuprufen and additional Codeine if necessary. It is best to use the Voltarol suppositories if prescribed as the pain relief is more even and longer lasting than oral medication. If the switch to oral medication (usually on a Tuesday) is a problem, a few further days of suppositories can be prescribed.
Ear pain after tonsillectomy is referred pain from the tonsil bed to the ear. This is because the nerve to the ear and the tonsil is the same.
Bleeding is controlled at the time of surgery. There is a small chance (0.5% in my last analysis of my own patients) of bleeding around the 10th day. This is usually minor but could be significant so parents do need to contact the Portland Hospital (02075804400). The duty sister will contact Mr. Albert or a colleague if he is away. If the bleeding is active it is probably safer to go direct or your local Casualty department; by ambulance if severe.
Temperature There is often a temperature after the surgery especially if adenoidectomy is also performed. Antibiotics are given as a routine, as are painkillers such as paracetamol and ibubrufen, all of which help to keep the temperature down.
Time off school Most children will have their surgery on a Wednesday and will be able to return to school the Monday after next (10 days)
Flying It is reasonable to book flights 2 weeks after surgery. Occasionally these may have to be delayed if there was any postoperative bleeding